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发布时间:2020-07-07 11:48:04 广东自考生网_www.gdzikao8.com
一、Choose one answer that best explains the underlined part of the following sentences.(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)
1. The company resumes its service in this region. ( )
A. continues B. consumes
C. assumes D. presumes
2. The latest figures should neutralize the fears of inflation. ( )
A. middle B. stop
C. increase D. unclear
3. His door was opened on the first summon; and he appeared in person, unarmed, and in a peculiarly defenseless condition.( )
A. concern B. service
C. summary D. call
4. It is the legitimacy of American power and American global leadership that has come to be doubted by a majority of Europeans. ( )
A. fair B. justification
C. right D. possibility
5. The proposed compromise would increase tobacco taxes to help pay for expansion of the child health program. ( )
A. policy B. regulations
C. concession D. plan
6. Asia’s affectionate love with real estate has been prompted by easy money and accommodative local government policies. ( )
A. helpful B. preparatory
C. extensive D. compositional
7. The deposits in credit institutions have reached enormous figures, and this plethora has caused disastrous results.( )
A. decrease B. reduction
C. excess D. exaggeration
8. To the administration, Tokyo appears more “results-oriented”, prompting hopes that bargains can be reached with Japan to ease frictions on a range of issues. ( )
A. low prices B. great deals
C. arrangements D. conclusions
9. The effect is amplified, MITI argues, because 35% of American exports to Japan are industrial commodities, which are highly sensitive to the business cycle. ( )
A. intended B. simplified
C. exaggerated D. diversified
10. Sometimes the problem isn’t that we lack sufficient information. We have a precise picture of ourselves or a situation, but we capitulate the first time someone challenges us.( )
A. accustom B. succumb
C. capture D. control
11. There are occasions in some big cities, when ingenuous questions out of the mouths of children can sometimes puzzle the experts. ( )
A. innocent B. tough
C. generous D. gentle
12. The current U.S. administration is adamant about restricting travel and exports to Cuba.( )
A. permanent B. unyielding
C. frantic D. adverse
13. Great ideas can languish in our mind if we don’t spend time reflecting and digesting the messages we got during the past projects. ( )
A. be neglected B. be disappeared
C. be prospered D. be flourished
14. The emergence of Feminine Economy promotes the development of feminine tourist market. ( )
A. emergency B. contribution
C. appearance D. merger
15. One official who is well aware of the confusion afflicting both local authorities and foreign investors is Jing Shuping, president of China International Economic Consultants Inc.( )
A. bothering B. affecting
C. worsening D. deadening
二、Put the following phases into Chinese(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
16.Dollar-denominated 17.client state
18.packing list 19.generalized system of preferences
20.debt service 21.tax-cut-induced boom
22.barrier-free market 23.fiscal packages
24.holiday fliers 25.fledgling industries
三、Put the following phases into English(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
26.保税仓库 27. 进口配额
28. 商务顾问 29. 国际品牌
30. 报复性制裁 31.国内需求
32.硬通货 33. 政府采购
34. 特许经营权 35. 反倾销
四、Read the following passages and answer the questions in English(本大题共6小题,每小题3分,共18分)
Passage 1
Oil prices were flat Wednesday, ahead of a weekly report expected to show a rise in crude supplies over the past week.
At 9∶45 a.m., U.S. light crude for March delivery rose 3 cents to $41.61 a barrel. It touched a session high of $42.45 a barrel and a session low of $41.02. Concerns about oversupply helped push oil lower Tuesday. Oil tumbled $4.15 to $41.58 a barrel. The oil market was likely bouncing off a stock market rebound and a weaker U.S. dollar Wednesday. U.S. crude oil price has rebounded from below $33 a barrel over the past week as an economic stimulus package makes it way through Congress. The Energy Information Administration releases its weekly inventory data at 10∶30 a.m. Analysts surveyed by Platts expect an increase of 3.4 million barrels in U.S. crude stockpiles for the week ended Jan. 23.
Oil’s supply-demand picture remains weak, with a large stock build in the United States and extremely weak demand in China, the world’s second-largest energy consumer. Oil supplies in the U.S. have gone up significantly in the past several weeks. Last week, the Energy Department reported supplies of crude increased by 6.1 million barrels in the week ended Jan. 16, when analysts had been expecting an increase of only 1.9 million barrels. Crude prices have dropped more than $100 from a record peak above $147 a barrel in July last year, sunk by plummeting demand amid the recession.
Demand is dependent on the ongoing economic uncertainty and whether the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, which produces about 40% of the world’s oil, will meet its pledge to cut output by 2.2 million barrels a day this month.
36. Why is the oil’s supply-demand picture still weak?
37. What helped to prevent the price of oil increase on Tuesday?
38. What has been the highest oil price in the United States last year?
Passage 2
American hopes that pressure from the U. S. will force Japan to suddenly dismantle its trade barriers are almost certain to evaporate in disappointment.
The fact is that Washington faces an obstacle far more formidable than a few power brokers in Tokyo’s government offices. It must buck centuries-old, deeply ingrained Japanese customs. To move the Japanese government, Washington must move an entire nation.
So far, the U.S. has had only limited success despite congressional threats to retaliate. In an April 9 nationwide broadcast, Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone urged the Japanese to buy more imported goods and unveiled a long-awaited three-year plan to ease import restrictions. But this program was far short of what Washington hoped to see. White House Chief of Staff Donald Regan said the Japanese offered “few new or immediate measures.” While the plan did promise fewer curbs on imports of telecommunications gear, medicine and medical equipment, it offered no relief for American forest products—which are among the most contentious trade issues.
Nakasone gives every sign of being secure in his desire to reduce a Japanese surplus in trade with the U.S. that hit 36.8 billion dollars in 1984 and could soon top 50 billion. Yet to rely on any one Japanese political leader, no matter how popular he is at home, to reverse trade policies is to underestimate the culture and traditions that weigh heavily against a breakthrough.
Big business and dozens of anonymous bureaucrats have as much power as Japan’s top elected leaders.
“The whole concept that we can turn this around right now is patently ridiculous,” says an American trader who has lived and worked here since 1952. “The vested interests are being shaken and slowly moved, but at a pace too slow for the eye to follow.”
39. What of the Japanese government is meant to be “moved”?
40. Does the underlined word “top” in the fourth paragraph mean “increase by as much as” 50 billion?
41. Please paraphrase “a pace too slow for the eye to follow” in the last paragraph.
五、Read the following passages and decide whether the statements are true or false(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)
Passage 1
The global economy is set for a year of recession and then low growth until 2012, economists at the World Economic Forum in Davos have said. They also warned that the downturn could persuade politicians to introduce trade barriers and steer investments only into their own economies. This would harm developing countries mostly. Meanwhile, there are growing calls for better financial sector regulation. Speaking at a panel taking stock of the state of the economy, Stephen Roach, Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia and long-time prophet of the economic downturn, said one could not “overestimate the dangers the world economy faces in 2009”.
The global economy was likely to shrink this year for the first time since World War II, he said, and nobody on the panel or in the audience was prepared to contradict him. The general gloom was echoed by the IMF, which has predicted that world economic growth will fall to just 0.5% this year, its lowest rate for 60 years. Justin Yifu Lin, senior vice president at the World Bank, said there were “lots of downside risks; the current projection is a protracted recession and we have not reached the bottom yet”.
Demand from U.S. consumers, for many years the main driver of global growth, was in steep decline, and while on the supply-side China had seen its economy shrink during the last quarter of 2008. Indeed, wherever one goes in the congress centre in Davos, pessimism pervades all conversation—although one participant counseled that “irrational exuberance has been replaced by irrational despair”.
The biggest concern of all panelists, however, was the risk that the downturn could herald a return to protectionism. This being Davos, the majority of participants are proponents of free trade, but it was striking that the representatives from developing and emerging economies were particularly worried about rising trade barriers. Panelists warned not just about the threat to free trade, but also the danger that Western governments could steer their nationalized or recapitalized banks towards investing only at home.
However, government spending alone was not enough to solve the problem.
Monetary policy and a coordinated global regulatory framework were keys to getting the global economy back on track.
42. It is probably that the economic recession could result in trade protectionism and barriers among different countries.( )
43. Panelists and audience in the World Economic Forum in Davos don’t agree that the year 2009 shrinks for the first time since World War II.( )
44. According to Justin Yifu Lin, senior vice president at the World Bank, the economic recession has reached the bottom.( )
45. The demand from U.S. consumers has been the engine for the global growth for a long time.( )
46. Though it is a hard time, the participants in World Economic Forum in Davos are optimistic.( )
47. Most participants in World Economic Forum in Davos support free trade.( )
Passage 2
The job of the drug industry is to provide relief from ailments, and it usually does so with its medicines. The news on Monday January 26th that Pfizer, the world’s biggest drugmaker, is bidding for Wyeth, a large American rival, should provide a welcome tonic for some. The legion of lawyers and bankers who specialize in mergers and acquisitions, for example, may at last have something to do. Pfizer is offering $68 billion for its rival, belying the current economic gloom. The financial crisis and recession have put a brake on most deals, other than mergers between crumbling banks, as credit has dried up and confidence has shriveled.
The giant American drug company will finance the deal with a mixture of its shares, which have held up reasonably well as markets have dived, cash from reserves and bank loans. Pharmaceutical companies are in a happier position than firms in other industries. They are known for large and reliable cash flows, even when economic misery is growing. Otherwise nervous bankers should not be too fearful of extending credit to Pfizer.
And yet, as the recession takes hold in America, which is by far the most important market for drug giants, growth appears to be slowing. Even drug sales may be hit in a recession if financially squeezed patients who lack insurance, or with less comprehensive health plans, cut back on their medicines. Pfizer is not insulated from the economic chill: it says that it will lay off 10% of its workers, several thousand people, and close five of its 46 factories around the world, in an effort to cut costs by $2 billion by 2011.
Nonetheless, taking over Wyeth would cement Pfizer’s position as the world’s leading drugmaker. Pfizer’s revenues in 2008 were just over $48 billion. These would be boosted to over $71 billion in a combination with Wyeth. Pfizer clearly reckons that greater scale is an answer not only to the slower growth in the industry but also to the particular problems that it faces. “Big pharma” has long felt the competitive breath of generic drug companies. In the next couple of years the threat will intensify as billions of dollars worth of branded drugs are set to lose patent protection.
48. The news that Pfizer is bidding for Wyeth is not welcomed by lawyers and bankers who specialize in mergers and acquisitions. ( )
49. Pfizer will finance the buying of Wyeth with cash borrowed from the banks.( )
50. Pfizer is able to buy Wyeth because it was not affected by the financial recession.( )
51. After the merger, Pfizer will become the largest drug maker in the world.( )
六、Translate the following passage into Chinese(本大题12分)
52.Women make better business leaders than men in all but two areas of management, according to an Australian survey released on Monday. But men have the upper hand when it comes to focusing on the bottom line. Data collected from 1,800 Australian female and male chief executive officers and managers found women exhibit more strategic drive, risk taking, people skills and innovation, and equaled men in the area of emotional stability. But men came out on top when it came to command and control of management operations and focusing on financial returns. The survey found women were more likely to take a chance with their ideas and challenge the status quo.
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